Juanita...One Perishing Soul "Rescued"

by Debbie Gillespie


Whether a catastrophic hurricane, like Katrina, or our own personal storms, God is always in control and has a plan to not only help, but to SAVE the lost!  Are we, as Christians, available to not only "go" but "be" wherever He needs us?

TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2005.....

Viewing the TV images and news reports of the devastation and destruction after Katrina passed left us all heartbroken.  Like so many, I felt an urgency to "go and do something".  More importantly than my own "feelings", I could see the Holy Spirit working in my brother's heart to return to the area he had just evacuated days before.  Yes, thousands had lost their homes, jobs and loved ones....yet, something far more important was at stake now: For many who perished in the storm they have gone "home' to their Savior, Jesus Christ; but for others, they will face an eternity in hell, separated from God forever.  The need to share the gospel is greater now than ever.  For several years, Mark has "worked" the New Orleans area with the ICE team (the inner city evangelistic team) during Mardi Gras and Superbowl events to preach the gospel on the streets...."one-on-one".  During such times, people's hearts are usually hardened to the call for salvation.  They'd rather "party" and have a good time than be confronted with "eternity".  Yet, NOW, with lives shattered, many are crying out to the very God they cursed and mocked before.  Many hearts are now broken, empty and seeking for help.  In Romans 10:14-15 God reminds us 'how will they hear' if no one goes to tell them about Jesus?  This is what Mark is called to do.  To preach the gospel to everyone.  I watch as the Spirit of God draws him to "go".  As we prayed for the doors to open and the directions from the Lord, Mark waited.  Little money, no dependable transportation, no plan...yet he KNEW God was working something out.


God's will began to reveal itself as money began to trickle in and He provided a vehicle.....a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis, given as a gift to our daddy!  Of course, the car had to be picked up in Morristown, 50 miles away.  We arranged it where I would drive Mark over to pick up the car and he would head on down south from there.  Even though I was longing to actually go and do something "hands on" for the folks in the devastated area, I had been willing to let the Lord use me in any way to help reach the lost and hurting.  Now I felt as if I were a part, too!  But ALL of this was in preparation for something bigger than just helping the hurting and lost in the storm-ravaged areas down south.......


Mark and I arrived in Morristown around 11:00 am.  He pulled into a service station for a "break" and I waited in the car.  As I sat there thinking of the days ahead for him, I heard a gentle rap on my window.... A woman was pleading with me to give her a ride downtown to "The Daily Bread" so she could get a free meal.  I opened the door and told her I was waiting on my brother to come out, but knew he would be happy to take her where she needed to go.

Her name is Juanita. Probably in her late 30's but looking much older, worn and "devastated" from the destructive storms of life.  When Mark came out I introduced him to Juanita and explained her need.  He opened the back door and said, "Hop in!"

As we drove, she began to explain her sad situation...typical of thousands: homeless, jobless, friendless, abused, addicted.  At one point she mentioned that when her mother had died she no longer had a place to live.  At that comment, Mark asked her if her momma was in Heaven, had she made it right with Jesus.  "Yes, sir, she did...but I ain't", came her reply.  Ah, there was the door left wide open!  Not only had the Holy Spirit been orchestrating OUR every step to get us to this moment, at this place, with this woman....but He had been drawing her closer to Himself through her series of disappointments, failures, and  heartaches.  Our "chance meeting" was not coincidental, nor chance.  As Mark shared with her that God loved her and had a plan for her life, Juanita's sad tears flowed steadily down her acne scarred face.  She wearily kept wiping them away....as if bathing her entire face with them.  She told of an abusive relationship with a "boyfriend that beats" her....her trembling hands running up over her forehead, through her short cropped hair....a hairstyle that looks like it may have been given by angrily yanking up handfuls of hair and shearing the locks close to her head....uneven, dishevelled.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is so strong as we park near the coffee shop where she has asked us to drop her off.  After Mark has explained the gospel he asks her if she would like to invite Jesus into her life as her Savior and her LORD.  She is so willing to confess her sins to the Lord and receive Him as her Savior.  As Mark guides her how to pray, I see a miracle unfolding before me.  No, there was no dramatic physical change, no supernatural lights or angelic voices, no shouts of "glory!".....yet, it was there....that unmistakable peace that overtakes one when they invite Jesus to come live within their heart.  The dull, hopeless eyes now had a glimmer of hope.  A warm smile gave new courage to a desperate woman's haggard face.  There is a look of uncertainty, yet exhilaration, as on a prisoner who's just been set free.  Yes, FREE, indeed!!

I silently pray in my heart, "Lord, give Juanita what You've given me....NO, give her much more, Father!  Show Yourself in very IMMEDIATE and real ways.  You are faithful, Almighty God. You are the Healer of the sick and wounded.  The Comforter of the broken and the brokenhearted.  The Loving, Gentle Shepherd. Let her feel your Hand guiding her as she now learns and grows in Your light."


I continue to watch the news coverage of the countless lives trying to "pick up the pieces" of homes, businesses, cities left in shambles as governments and officials begin to lay plans for rebuilding. Many are still lost, dying, perishing.

As compassionate hearts all around the world reach out to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina's devastating blow, Christians reach out to help, not only with the immediate physical needs, but with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Amazingly, we have witnessed many refusing to accept rescue efforts to save their lives.  They may survive.  They may die.  More tragically, thousands will also refuse to accept God's offer to save them from eternal death.  But like Juanita, many hearts are crying out for help to rescue them from the ravaging storms that have stripped their lives of hope.  Like Juanita, God is drawing the lost to Himself through their sufferings.  One lost soul is one too many.  One saved soul is cause for all of Heaven to rejoice!!  As Believers, we must be listening to His promptings and be obedient to "be where He needs us to be".  How shall the lost hear if no one goes to tell them of God's saving grace through Calvary?   As we desire to "do something" to help the thousands of storm victims, let's not forget those about us who are in the midst of their own personal storms.  Shouldn't we be ready and willing to serve our Lord WHEREVER we are?  We may not be able to travel to the disaster areas, but let these words from a favorite hymn stir us to be sensitive to the everyday needs all around us:

"Rescue the perishing...Care for the dying."

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