April 2008

Feature Article

"The Perils of Prayerlessness"
by Dr. Sam Wolfe

"Prayer and Importunity"
by E.M. Bounds


"Pray Alone With God"
by Andrew Murray

"The Power of Prayer"
by R.A. Torrey

"Satan Hates Prayer"
by W. Clyde Martin

"Are Your Prayers Hindered-There is a Remedy"
by John R. Rice

"The Second Most Exciting Thing That Happened Between Man and God"
by W. Clyde Martin

"The Preacher's Wife"
by Ruth Martin



The monthly online magazine THE PRAYER LIFE continues to reach out into many countries. Of course, it is the English speaking nations that we hear from mostly.

When I first began to publish THE PRAYER LIFE it was for pastors. However, this has changed with many readers from all phases of life. It all began when I noticed in my travels that my pastor friends did not have access to the writings of Prayer Warriors of the past. My library has always been made up of books mostly on prayer (authored by both past and present). I fear that if we do not know about the prayer lives of the centuries old praying men of God, we are poverty stricken; thus my first effort is to make possible the writings of men such as E.M Bounds,Andrew Murray, John Bunyon, George Mueller, etc. as well as the excellent prayer warriors of our present day.

For some great reason God has made The Prayer Life Monthly Magazine a successful ministry reaching thousands around the world. We now receive email responses from nine or more countries each month. This is a ministry built upon God’s covenant found in Matt. 6:6 “When you pray, enter into your closet, shut the door, pray secretly to the Father, when He sees you in secret, He will reward you openly.”

Please enjoy the featured articles in this issue; "The Perils of Prayerlessness" by Dr. Sam Wolfe.  Also the edifying writings of R. A. Torrey, E. M. Bounds, Andrew Murray, W. Clyde Martin, and John R. Rice. 

E-mail me your personal thoughts about this monthly online magazine. Join the thousands who read The Prayer Life.  If this magazine is new to you, you may wish to click on ARCHIVES to pull up past articles.


In the closet for you,

W. Clyde Martin






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CD's & Booklets  Now Available



"The Virgin Birth"

A message preached and recorded on Christmas Eve 1995 by W. Clyde Martin.  Now available on CD only.  Dr. Martin's message sub titled (Silent Night, Holy Night) continues to be classed among the best gospel preaching of this generation.